Thailand News
Coffin maker resurrects spirit of sharing in Nakhon Sawan
Business has been good for coffin Maker Kosol Phutthajaroenlap, 43 in Nakhon Sawan. His unique cupboards for the community pantry set up outside his shop have instantly become a sensation on the internet. He decided to use empty coffins to serve and display his food.
The idea of community pantries recently became popular as people use it to donate food and basic necessities to the less fortunate who have been affected by the Covid-19 crisis, though there have been reports of some people selfishly emptying these food cupboards.
The coffin maker said, “I used coffins because I have nothing else to make cupboards from,” he said. “There is no hidden message, but I’m glad they have become a hit and are attracting people into making donations.”
Source: Coffin maker resurrects spirit of sharing in Nakhon Sawan
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