Thailand News
Ice cream shop burns down in Samut Prakan Province
At 00.30 hrs on the 5th of August 2020. Samrong Tai Police Station and the fire department both rushed to the scene of a burning ice cream shop located along a bend of the Chao Phraya River in Samut Prakan Province.
The Samrong Tai municipality fire department arrived first to arrive on the scene with their trucks.
The icecream shop plants’ zinc shed caused flames to burn violently inside the shop as firefighters mobilized by injecting water through the night. They did not want the fire to spread to nearby buildings which they say was difficult due to rain and wind although they were able to contain the fire within 30 minutes.
The fire burned the entire ice-cream shop including 2 pick-up trucks and 1 motorcycle. Luckily no one was in the shop and zero injuries were reported. The fire was believed to be a short circuit and damaged more than 500,000B worth of property.
Photos: Facebook
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