Rama 3 Casino Killings A shooting took place on August 4th inside a commercial building known for gambling in Bangkok resulting in 4 killings. Police were...
75 passengers boarded the triple-decker wooden ship at the Ramada Plaza luxury hotel in Charoen Krung before they quickly decided to stop the ship at the...
Fake meat in Thailand? Muslims and serious steak connoisseurs might want to think twice before buying beef online after testing found a high chance it could...
Greater Manila Region Returns to Lockdown as COVID-19 Surges Millions of people in Manila and nearby cities. Filipino citizens will see their movements restricted again, starting...
India still remains in shock days later after hearing about Devender Sharma, a serial killer who was recently arrested again after he had escaped for 6...
Ricky Akkanya, a native of Sarikai, Sarawak, Borneo Malaysia Disappeared on the 26th of July after fishing in an area known to have crocodiles. Many search...
On the night of August 2nd at approximately 10 pm, a ferry transporter named the “King Ferry” was transporting garbage trucks and 16 people capsized between...
Flood in Muang District: Soldiers evacuate villagers in Muang district of Loei province after run-off water caused by heavy rain engulfed over 1,000 houses in districts...
In an attempt to crackdown on the drug trade, Pha Mueang forces joined with Udon Thani police setting up checkpoints. Earlier, on 30 July, Pol. Gen....
2 men have been arrested for a shooting that took place behind a Pattaya City School in broad daylight on Tuesday. 47-year-old Prathum Saartnak was shot...